Patrox (links) und Dennis Bro (rechts) haben sichtlich Spaß und grinsen in Scooper Klamotten in die Kamera


SCOOPER has been revolutionizing the energy scene for over a year! So it was clear that the company's energetic team wouldn't settle for just four varieties. For this reason, the innovative startup...
Albumcover des Scooper Songs Work My Body. Die drei Wörter bilden den Scooperblitz.

Work My Body ~by SCOOPER MAN

We wouldn't be SCOOPER if we didn't have an ace up our sleeve: not only did our white friends premiere this weekend, but so did our official song "Work My Body ~by SCOOPER MAN". loudly celebrated i...
Einblick in die Produktion in Schweden. Man sieht einen Mann mit Haar- und Bartnetz, der die Produktion der SCOOPER Energy Fresh Mint Dosen beaufsichtigt. Die Dosen werden auf einer Maschine gelabelt.


Sweden is always worth a trip - little fun fact : "We didn't see a single IKEA on the entire drive from the airport to our production ;)
Zwei tanzende Frauen, die Scooper Klamotten tragen und auf dem World Club Dome in Frankfurt feiern.


What an amazing start! The #ScooperGang had the opportunity to taste what the future tastes like at a festival with around 25,000 visitors for the first time! We fulfilled our until then secret mis...
Zeitungsauschnitt mit den Ausstrahlungstermin von Die Höhle der Löwen mit Scooper

SCOOPER in the lion cage 🦁

You can see whether we have to raise our lion cub alone or whether we have found an ( investor ) in episode 7 on October 18th, 2021 at 8:15 p.m. on VOX.